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Open Contacts
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Import Contacts Info from Other Sources

To import from other data sources, run [Main menu -> Tools -> Import]. Please check these links for further instructions:
- If "Create New Categories before Importing" is checked, Open Contacts
will pop up the "Modify People Categories" window or the "Modify Companies
windows" for you to optionally create new categories during the import
- Most existing address book programs do not have concept of separating people
and organizations and linking them. After importing these contacts, you may
convert selected contacts in the People List to organizations. And you may
also convert selected organizations in the Companies List to people.
- The mapping between each data source and Open Contacts are defined in
XML files, which can be customized if you have basic knowledge of XML.
- During importing, when the name (full name + surname + given name +
middle name) of a to-be-imported contact has the same name with an existing
contact, Open Contacts will prompt you to replace, skip, or rename the
to-be-imported contact.