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The mapping between the fields of Open Contacts and the supported fields of Funambol server is outlined below.
OC Fields | SIF-C Fields |
/Surname | LastName |
/GivenName | FirstName |
/MidName | MiddleName |
/Title | Title |
/Notes | Body |
Personal/Nickname | NickName |
Personal/Mobile | MobileTelephoneNumber |
Personal/Email | Email1Address |
Personal/Email2 | Email2Address |
Personal/Email3 | Email3Address |
Personal/Primary Phone | PrimaryTelephoneNumber |
Personal/Phone | HomeTelephoneNumber |
Personal/Phone2 | Home2TelephoneNumber |
Personal/IM | IMAddress |
Personal/PO Box | HomeAddressPostOfficeBox |
Personal/Fax | HomeFaxNumber |
Personal/Pager | PagerNumber |
Personal/Web | HomeWebPage |
Personal/Street | HomeAddressStreet |
Personal/City | HomeAddressCity |
Personal/State | HomeAddressState |
Personal/Country | HomeAddressCountry |
Personal/Postcode | HomeAddressPostalCode |
Personal/Suffix | Suffix |
Personal/Birthday | Birthday |
Personal/Spouse | Spouse |
Personal/Anniversary | Anniversary |
Personal/Children | Children |
Personal/Assistant | AssistantName |
Personal/Assistant Phone | AssistantTelephoneNumber |
Personal/Gender | Gender |
Personal/Hobby | Hobby |
Work/Primary Phone | CompanyMainTelephoneNumber |
Work/Phone | BusinessTelephoneNumber |
Work/Phone2 | Business2TelephoneNumber |
Work/Fax | BusinessFaxNumber |
Work/PO Box | BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox |
Work/Office Location | OfficeLocation |
Work/Street | BusinessAddressStreet |
Work/City | BusinessAddressCity |
Work/State | BusinessAddressState |
Work/Country | BusinessAddressCountry |
Work/Postcode | BusinessAddressPostalCode |
Work/Title | JobTitle |
Work/Company | CompanyName |
Work/Department | Department |
Work/Profession | Profession |
Work/Manager | ManagerName |
Work/Web | BusinessWebPage |
Other/Phone | OtherTelephoneNumber |
Other/Fax | OtherFaxNumber |
Other/PO Box | OtherAddressPostOfficeBox |
Other/Street | OtherAddressStreet |
Other/City | OtherAddressCity |
Other/State | OtherAddressState |
Other/Country | OtherAddressCountry |
Other/Postcode | OtherAddressPostalCode |
SIF (Sync4j Interchange Format) is a data interchange format to represent PIM data in common from different programs. SIF-C is for exchanging contact information. Obviously SIF-C includes almost all contact data fields of MS Outlook.
As Open Contacts has dynamic data field management, the mapping can include all fields defined in SIF-C. However, fields such as Telex and CarPhone etc are not included because telegraph had become obsolete since year 2000 around the world, and car phone is rare.
The mapping is implemented in 2 XSLT files: "SifcToChangeLogXml.xsl" and "ChangeLogXmlToSifc.xsl".
Open Contacts may contain unlimited fields to store contact information, while the other address book programs may have fixed number of fields. So, while you can synchronize all fields supported by Funambol to Open Contacts, only common fields in Open Contacts can be synchronized back to Funambol server, and extra notes and data fields in Open Contacts will stay where they are, such as multiple instant messenger addresses. In short, during synchronization, Open Contacts can intake almost all fields of other address programs, but not vice versa.
The mapping files "SifcToChangeLogXml.xsl" and "ChangeLogXmlToSifc.xsl" were designed for field names of Open Contacts in English. If you have customized field names in other language, you might need to translate OC field names.