Many teachers have been using KP Typing Tutor for teaching
typing in classrooms, while Typing Course Generator was originally designed for
creating typing course. They made their own
'course.txt' and 'practice.txt' files for students at different ages.
Over years, more features in respect of spelling were added to the Typing
Course Generator.
With the 'Finger placement' option, you may get groups of text like:
The to-be-typed keys: adeolyk >> Total: 86
ad a add ad addle ale alee all allay alley alloy ally
aloe aye ay dad daddy dado dale dally day dead deal deed delay dell dale do dodo
doe dole doll dolly doodle dye dyke eddy eel eke elk eye kale kaledo kayak keel
key koala la lad lade laded ladle lady lake laky lay lea lead leak Leal led lee
leek Leo lye load lode loll loll look look loyal lye oak odd ode okay e yak ye
yea yell yodel yoke yolk yoyo
While the "Finger placement" option is generally for creating
typing courses, the others are for making spelling courses.
With the 'Letter strings' option, you may pick up words with letter strings
appearing anywhere:
The to-be-typed keys: bac >> Total: 18
back aback aback bacon abacus outback tobacco baccarat bachelor bacillus backward celibacy drawback bacchanal bacterium backgammon herbaceous baccalaureate
The to-be-typed keys: ko >> Total: 24
kohl kopi gecko jocko koala kopje Koran korma pekoe beckon cuckoo gingko kopeck kopeck kosher kosher kowtow reckon cuckold hickory koumiss kohlrabi leukocyte kookaburra
The to-be-typed keys: ly >> Total: 177
fly lye lye ply sly ally duly holy July lily lynx lyre oily only rely ugly wily wily apply bally bully burly calyx curly daily dally doily dolly dryly early filly flyer folly gaily godly golly gully haply holly imply jelly jolly lowly lying lymph lynch lyric Lysol manly mealy molly Nelly polyp rally reply sally silly silly sully surly surly tally truly bodily comely coolly
With the 'Head strings' option, you may pick up words with initial letter
The to-be-typed keys: bac >> Total: 10
baccalaureate baccarat bacchanal bachelor bacillus back backgammon backward bacon bacterium
The to-be-typed keys: ko >> Total: 14
koala kohl kohlrabi kookaburra kopeck kopeck kopi kopje Koran korma kosher kosher koumiss kowtow
The to-be-typed keys: ly >> Total: 12
lyceum lye lye lying lymph lynch lynchpin lynx lyre lyric lyrical Lysol
With the 'tail strings' option, you may pick up words with tail letter
strings: =========================
The to-be-typed keys: te >> Total: 685
Te ante ante bate bite cite cote date date dote fate fete gate hate jute kite late lute mate mate mete mite mote mute note note pate rate rite rote rote sate site tote vote abate acute agate baste brute carte caste chute crate elate elite flute forte grate haste irate orate paste plate Porte prate quite quote route skate slate smite smote ... incommensurate
The to-be-typed keys: ly >> Total: 129
fly ply sly ally ... sprightly melancholy academically diametrically
The to-be-typed keys: tion >> Total: 416
action lotion motion nation notion notion option potion ration auction bastion caption caution coition ... generalization multiplication predestination predisposition supererogation transmigration dissatisfaction tintinnabulation consubstantiation contradistinction
With the 'Regular expression' option, you may find out words
matching any of the regular expressions:
The to-be-typed keys: t\w+g >> Total: 20
taking tag taking tang tatting tag thing thong throng ticking ting tog topping
touching tubing tug tuning twang twig tying
The to-be-typed keys: t\w+d >> Total: 31
tabard tabloid tamarind tankard tend tepid third thousand thread threshold
thyroid timid titivated toad told torpid torrid toward tread trend triad tried
tripod trod tumid turbid turgid tweed tweed twinned typhoid
The to-be-typed keys: br\w+ >> Total: 113
bra brace bracelet bracken bracket bract brad brag brae braid brain braise brake
bramble branch brand brandish brandy brash brass brassard brasserie brat bravado
brave bravo brawl brawn bray breach bread breadth break breakable breakage
breaker breakfast breakneck breast breath breathe bred breech breeches breed
brethren brevet breviary brevity brew briar bribe bridal bride bridge bridge
bridle brief brig briefs brigand brigantine bright brilliant brim brimstone
bring brine brink briny brioche briquette brisk brisket bristle brittle broach
broad brocade broccoli brochure brogue brogue broil broke broken broker bromide
bromine bronchi bronco bronze brooch brood brook broom brother brothel brougham
brought brow brown browse bruin bruise brunch brunette brunt brush brusque
brutal brute brinish
The to-be-typed keys: b\w+oo\w >> Total: 7
baboon balloon billhook blood bloom buffoon bloom
To find more details of regular expressions, please read the syntax of regular of expressions. You may of course mix the results using your favorite text editor to make a
spelling course. Please remember to remove any slang words from the dictionary
files first.
Here I would like to recommend two useful tool to edit the text
These tools are also freeware.