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We have developed 2 versions of Google Desktop Sidebar for Open Contacts, and one standalone deskbar program for Open Contacts. They are all good examples of using COM interfaces of Open Contacts. Please find the links of source codes of these products.
Google Desktop Open Contacts plugin (v1)
This program was designed for Google Desktop v3. If you are a Delphi programmer, you might be interested in using Delphi to integrate some features with Google Desktop using COM provided by Google. Though this version can still run well on Google Desktop v5, the Google Desktop development team had stopped the support to COM integration of such kind.
Google Desktop Open Contacts plugin (v2)
This program was designed for Google Desktop v5. The coding language is Javascript.
Quick Search for Open Contacts
This program provide a deskbar-style interface. The coding language is Delphi. You need TntWare and Jedi library to compile.
This is a set of Windows scripts that launch Open Contacts and search contacts who birthdays are within a period.