KP Typing Tutor Net Edition provides centralized user management and course management, in a Local Area Network environment for schools and offices.

The Net Edition is a true client / server application consisting of two parts: a server program running on a host machine and copies of the client program running on workstations. You may choose either the server program or the service program to install on a host machine.

When a student logins on a workstation, the KP Typing Tutor Client will download the course files according to the student's profile.

System requirements:

The system requirements for KP Typing Tutor Server program:

* Windows NT/2000/ME/XP/2003
* 486DX2/66 or faster.
* Graphics card supporting 16 colors or more.
* 10 MB free memory.
* 10 MB free disk space.
* Network card and LAN
* Fixed IP address or computer name.
* Connection to a Firebird, MySQL or MS SQL database server (Optional).
* Port 7288 for listening to client connections.

The system requirements for KP Typing Tutor Client:

* Windows 95/98, Windows NT/2000/ME/XP
* 486DX2/66 or faster.
* Graphics card supporting 16 colors or more.
* 4 MB free memory.
* 2 MB free disk space.
* Network card and LAN.
* IP connection to the host machine through port 7288.

By default, KP TT Server uses Firebird Embedded as database engine. Thus, you do NOT need to install database server like Firebird, Interbase, MS SQL, or MySQL. KP TT Server is very much a self contained application.

If for some reasons your environment requires MS SQL as database engine for all database applications, for example, you may use the "kpttdbmssql.sql" to create the database, and modify "kpsvr.ini". Just change "SqlServerType" to "mssql". For MySql, the value should be "mysql".

You may choose port number by modifying the INI files of both the server program and the client programs.


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Last modified: 04/03/09.