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Access MySql Converter is for bulk database conversions between MySql
databases and MS Access databases.
* Supports common MySQL data types and attributes to
match Ms Access
data fields, except the Set type and the Enum type.
* Supports common MS Access column data types and attributes, except the GUID type and
the hyper link type.
* Works with all versions of MySQL servers (inc. MySql 5.x) running all platforms.
* Works with MS Access 97, 2000 and XP.
* Converts primary key and indexes with all attributes.
* Creates autoincrement fields and copies autoincrement data to MySql.
* Supports default values.
* Allows converting multiple databases.
* Windows 98/NT2000/ME/XP/2003.
* ODBC, ADO 2.7 or above.
* At least 32 MB of available memory
* Privileges to read the source databases on MySQL server, and to create databases.

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